Monday, March 20, 2017


It's always fun to travelling to Indonesia. Jogjakarta(Yogyakata) for most travelers rings the bell about Borobudur and I'm no exception. After all set for a flight to Yogyakarta, Mt.Kelud exploded and almost every airport in central and East Java upto Bali were closed. Lucky me!! The day I landed airport was cleared and I could see heaps of ash dust on the sides of runway

Ramayana Play was something I didn't want to miss. From the airport I took the cheap means of transport for 10K ruppiah by a local bus and then a quick ride on a two wheeler took me to the Ramayana play theater. The play was definitely rewarding and it was treat to watch the actors dancing to depict different characters from the epic Ramayana. After an eventful evening, i decided to share a cab to the hostel in the City with couple of other travelers.Small road side stall put up opposite to the hostel had some wonderful dishes to serve, i had Nasi Goreng(Fried rice) with fried egg and prawn crackers. And the Indonesian sambal is something to die for. After dinner quickly got back to the hostel, due to Ash burst almost all the main spots in the city were closed. Then booked a tour to Borobudur and Prambanam temple before going to bed.

It was a starting of a very long day!  I was the only person for the tour from the hostel so I had to pay double price (~650000 IDR). 
It was a good start for the day seeing the Borobudur complex from the mountain with an orange blanket of raise in the background and moved on to the temple to see Borobudur but the excitement was short lived as it was closed for cleaning the Ash. One of the reason for me to come to yogyakartha was borubudur but unfortunate I was not allowed to climb up and just saw the temple from down.  It looked tempting and tried to peep though the back door and didn't succeed :(Was disappointed but can't do much with such natural activities. 

Next stop was to one of oldest Hindu temple Candi Prambanan or Candi Rara Jonggrang is a 9th-century Hindu temple compound in Central Java, Indonesia, dedicated to the Trimurti, the expression of God as the Creator (Brahma), the Preserver (Vishnu) and the Destroyer (Shiva). The temple complex was huge and re-flexion of those structures on the water was an amazing site. Spent good time there before heaing to other temple on the way back to the hostel.

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